An Umbrella Rant

Apologies in advance – bit ranty this one.

In an earlier post about being elected mayor of London, I listed the number one thing on my list to ban was golf umbrellas.  I hereby declare it my mission to get the damn things banned long before then.

On the London Underground, it’s packed. This evening I found a rare seat but some git with a soaking wet bloody parasol stood in front of me. You’re damn right there’s nowhere to put it sunshine – it’s too big! Don’t give me and the other passengers who now have wet legs an apologetic look. And another bloke – when you’re walking through the carriage with your dripping brolly leaving a trail of wet people behind you- THINK!  Leave the thing at home and take a brolly just big enough for your head next time even though I know it won’t cover your ego.

Even worse is when you’re walking up the escalators. It’s not a sword. Keeping it by your side and knocking all the people on your right… How can you not notice!?  How can you not feel the death stares in your oblivious skull? 
Ban Golf Umbrellas now!

In my Goth years, I used to permanently carry an umbrella, for rain is the known mortal enemy of Goth hair. It was a small brolly with a hook. I used to hook it to the inside armpit of my leather jacket. Thus not impacting anyone. If you carried your golf umbrella on the inside of your stripey suit, we’d all be a lot happier.

What cheered me up sightly was noticing the irony of so many people absolutely soaking wet whilst declaring through the medium of brand advertising that they were in fact “Super Dry”.

When I’m Mayor Of London

When I’m elected Mayor of London (only a matter of time), I have a list of things that shall be immediately banned.

1. Golf umbrellas. Unless you’re offering to shelter me from the rain too, which would be very altruistic of you, they’re too big for a city. And you aim them at my eyes. And when it’s not raining, you aim them at my knees.
2. Golf
3. Slow walkers. There will be a minimum speed enforced unless you’re carrying a valid injury permit.
4. The Daily Mail, for obvious reasons
5. Tuesdays
6. Boris Johnson
7. Jumpers over shoulders
8. Severe childhood illnesses
9. The following phrases: “Cheer up, it might never ‘appen”, “Did you not get the memo?” and “I can’t imagine anything worse”.
10. Elbow patches

I realise that the majority of these have little to do with the day-to-day running of London, apart from maybe elbow patches, but the world will be a far better place when they’re all banned.

Oh, and 11: Any politicians attempting to use religion to set, justify or resist policy, unless your particular God can resolve number 8.